Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Poll Game - A Game of Opinions

The Poll Game - A Game of Opinions Review

When has a telemarketer interrupting supper or a clipboard-carrying survey taker at the mall ever received the Mensa Select Seal from the famous high IQ organization, just for doing their job? You think never? A certain board game has, and maybe it's all in the approach. Thepollgame is loaded with (loaded) questions, too, but as for selling, players will soon be sold, as was Mensa, on its elegance of play and capacity to generate discussion and laughter. Players attempt to move a mere 11 spaces on a colorful board, which mixes elements of Sorry! with Parcheesi, by voting how many folks will answer "Yes" to questions ranging from the innocuous (Can you program your VCR?), through the esoteric (Do you have a valid passport?), to the dangerous (Do you ever forego underwear when going out?). The pollster may choose one of three questions on the 250 cards, or go "Off the Board," preferring to delve into current events or things more personal. With its fast-paced blend of simultaneous play, every player is involved every round: they answer as well as vote. Thepollgame is talkative, provocative fun at a full Gallup. --Tony Mason

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