Sunday, July 24, 2011

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg Review

St. Petersburg Feature

  • For 2-4 players
  • Spiel des Jahres, Nominee - 2004
  • Great strategy game
  • Historical theme
Baroque palaces, wide boulevards, and elegant bridges: St Petersburg. On May 16, 1703, Czar Peter the Great lays the foundation for the first building. Quickly impressive buildings are erected that are ever more impressive and beautiful. Such buildings bring the aristocracy glory and the players victory points. But you need traders to bring the rubles necessary for all this magnificence, otherwise, the buildings are empty and bare. As the competition never sleeps and may grab needed cards right from under your nose. St. Petersburg: the card game of beautiful living on the Neva. Saint Petersburg - a tactical game for Russian building tycoons.

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